See you soon... classes will be on Wednesdays at 5:15pm in the back cafe Short Hills. (generally) Don't forget the yoga mat.
I would love to bring yoga to the corporate office I work in North Jersey. I feel like most of my co-workers could use a good 30-60 minutes without checking their blackberries and email to just simply breath and move. Breathing fully does WONDERS... believe me! Hello D&Bers!!!
Last night after class at Club H, I walked over to nearby Exchange Place since it was a mild evening and it wasn't quite dark yet. It was beautiful!! I can't wait til the weather warms up for some Yoga on the Pier. It is truly a magnificent spot to reflect, take pictures and do yoga :) Here are some pictures I took Hi all... So I had the big iPod nightmare happen to me a few nights ago... The entire library disappeared unexpectedly within 15 seconds. (maybe less)... I saw the memory meter drop and by the time I realized what was happening, I had no songs or playlists on the iPod touch. :(
Small panic moment... over 30 playlists backup on my iTunes since I manually manage music and playlists and use "on the go" and "genius" And this is the second time I've had to rebuild the iPod in 3 months! Last time 60+ playlists So I get to start from scratch.. again... YAAA (sarcastic) Yogis and music lovers - any suggestions or themes you'd like to hear? Motown Yoga? Rock and Yoga? Hip Hop Yoga? (I had a hip hop playlist I never even got to debut!) Send me your ideas... would love to incorporate them in class. Have a wonderful weekend! :D hi yogis, I've added a few new links to the site recently.
visit to Resources for information and articles that may be of interest to yogis. visit Playlists for... you guessed it... playlists! Some of you have asked for my music; here you can download some tunes from the iTunes iMix. ENJOY! also - starting saturday, march 6 - (75 minutes) heated vinyasa flow at SS-Yoga on monmouth and 4th street in jersey city. single session is $15. Check it out. Yoga in the Park | exchange place (jersey city) and 55 water street (lower manhattan) is coming soon... think summer! (its snowing right now...again) NY Times posted an article recently where students enjoy a full meal with soup, pasta, wine, and chocolate immediately following their yoga asana practice. The instructor leads them to fully enjoy the food on their sweaty mats and truly taste and enjoy everything... on the floor.
Now the article also discusses the predictable debate on food (and the types of food, meat, alcohol, etc) and its place at a yoga class. Is it "yoga" if you are eating meat when the first aspect of yoga is ahimsa or non-violence/compassion? Where do we draw the line? Are you a yogi if you put "toxins" like alcohol in your body? Just how "perfect" can you be to be considered a yogi. Or is just breathing, meditation, and an asana practice enough? Personally, I'm not particularly a "foodie," but I don't eat meat. You'll see me eat seafood, prepared food, and non-organic food too! Does not eating a purely organic and/or raw foods diet make me less of a yogi/yoga instructor and take me farther from "enlightenment?" I sure hope not. Now, will I invite my class to a full fledged meal after spending 60 minutes in asana practice? Most likely not... I hate to cook! (sorry Club H-ers and Dixon Mills residents) As yogis and eaters, is it our place to judge those who may eat differently? Of course, most yogis strive to fill ourselves with healthy and sustainable foods, but how far can we go? The article notes: if you are eating a "perfect" vegan organic meal... what if the farmers were in negative spirits when planting and harvesting? Can we say yoga instructors who eat meat, fish, and/or dairy are worse instructors than their vegan counterparts? Does having spices, oil, and garlic block your path to enlightenment? Be realistic! I want my paneer! In all seriousness, it's nearly impossible to eat perfectly, and its human to be imperfect. My suggestion to you: Eat the healthier, better choice of food YOU want at that time. If that means having some chocolate, or enjoying drinks in moderation, do it! Just remember that the foods you consume directly affect everything about you and environment. (Please don't eat 2 hours before a class, yoga on a full stomach... not so fun) ...and at the end of the day; don't we all have CHOICES? hi yogis, besides going through a pretty tough (and on-going) recovery period, I also had the great opportunity to visit France for a friend's wedding. Here are some the pictures from Paris. (Wedding pictures later) Congrats Bethany and Francois! :D hi yogis, I'm back! so happy to see you all again. Please keep on coming to class, build some heat in yourself and spread positive energy and hope to all! and keep compassion in your hearts for yourself and others...ahimsa
coping... a few weeks i'll be back!!! hopefully
and i hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season :D |
yogawithdabadaba is a certified yoga instructor Archives
May 2011